torsdag 25 januari 2018

The Stockholm League - January 24, 2018

So Masika. So advanced. Art by Ginés Quiñonero.

One table was played in the third round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

1. Henrik (!Tremere Uta Kovacs toolbox)
2. Ober (Lasombra bigcaps with ANI sb)
3. Randy (Toreador Masika vote) 5 vp, 1 gw
4. Richard (Dementation toolbox)
5. Peter (Gangrel Thing breed-bleed)

League standings:
Randy 84 rtp
Erik, Ober 8 rtp
Henrik 4 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The next round of the league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

söndag 21 januari 2018

The Stockholm League - January 17, 2018

Two tables were played in the second round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:
1. Richard (!Malkavian guns toolbox)
2. Ober (Tremere wall)
3. Randy (Setites bigcap sb) 5 vp, 1 gw
4. Kim (Setites sb)
5. Erik (DEM +1 bleed sb)

Table 2:
1. Kim (Gangrel vote)
2. Ober (!Ventrue anarch stickmen) 2 vp
3. Erik (DEM +1 bleed sb) 2 vp
4. Ivan (Assamite Death Star vote)
5. Henrik (DOM-OBF Titus Camille sb) 1 vp

League standings:
Randy 56 rtp
Erik, Ober 8 rtp
Henrik 4 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The next round of the league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

The Stockholm League - January 10, 2018

Some of the Anarchs Unbound cards could be a
bit less powerful. Or is it just the Stockholm meta?

New year, new league! One table was played in the first round of our new ten week league. Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

1. Robert (Ravnos toolbox)
2. Henrik (DOM-OBF Titus Camille sb)
3. Randy (DEM anarch Memory Rift sb) 5 vp, 1 gw
4. Jonas (OBF-PRE Memory Rift sb)
5. Kim (Setites sb)

League standings:
Randy 28 rtp
Everybody else: None rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The next round of the league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

tisdag 9 januari 2018

The Stockholm League - January 3, 2018

Congratulations Ober, new league champion and holder of the Greger Anderssen Memorial Trophy! He won three tables in the league, two with a big cap Malkavian vote deck (yes, Lutz and Unmada, the usual suspects) and one with a big cap Lasombra deck with Montano, Mind Rape and Baltimore Purge.

Two tables were played in the tenth and last round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:
1. Robert (Nosferatu & Giotto Verducci vote) 1 vp
2. Henrik (Tremere bigcap toolbox)
3. Randy (Setite bigcap sb) 3 vp, 1 gw
4. Ober (Tremere wall)

Table 2:
1. Richard (!Malkavian toolbox)
2. Robert (True brujah Shalmath wall) 3 vp, 1 gw
3. Henrik (Ishtarri vote/toolbox) 1 vp
4. Randy (Tremere midcap toolbox)

League standings:
Ober 72 rtp
Kim 68 rtp
Kalle 64 rtp
Randy 50 rtp
Robert 38 rtp
Theo 28 rtp
Henrik, Peter 24 rtp
Daniel R, Jonas 20 rtp
Erik 14 rtp
Ben 10 rtp
Kari, Kristofer, Theo 8 rtp
Robin 4 rtp
Hannes 2 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The first round of the next league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

tisdag 2 januari 2018

The Stockholm League - December 27, 2017

Best old school malkavian
since Torpor Duane?

One table was played in the ninth round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Erik W (Kiasyd toolbox)
Robert (Guillaume Giovanni something???)
Kalle (Assamites with dominate sb) 3 vp, 1 gw
Kim (Anarch Illegalism bleed ???)
Kristofer (Harbingers The Capuchin wall) 2 vp

League standings:
Ober 72 rtp
Kim 68 rtp
Kalle 64 rtp
Randy 30 rtp
Theo 28 rtp
Peter 24 rtp
Daniel R, Henrik, Jonas 20 rtp
Robert 18 rtp
Erik 14 rtp
Ben 10 rtp
Kari, Kristofer, Theo 8 rtp
Robin 4 rtp
Hannes 2 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The first round of the next league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

The Stockholm League - December 20, 2017

Ready for a Advanced version?

Two tables were played in the eigth round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:
1. Ober (Pander vote)
2. Randy (Tremere midcap toolbox) 1 vp
3. Erik (AUS +1 bleed wall) 1 vp
4. Kalle (DOM+POT bruise bleed)
5. Peter (Setites bigcap sb) 3 vp, 1 gw

Table 2:
1. Henrik (Tremere bigcap toolbox) 2 vp
2. Kalle (!Brujah bigcap vote)
3. Robert (True brujah Shalmath rush/wall)
4. Jonas (OBF+DEM bigcap vote/sb) 3 vp, 1 gw
5. Ober (Malkavian Santaleous bigcap sb)

League standings:
Ober 72 rtp
Kim 68 rtp
Kalle 44 rtp
Randy 30 rtp
Theo 28 rtp
Peter 24 rtp
Daniel R, Henrik, Jonas 20 rtp
Robert 18 rtp
Erik 14 rtp
Ben 10 rtp
Kari, Theo 8 rtp
Robin 4 rtp
Hannes 2 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.)

The first round of the next league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!