Congratulations Henrik, new Greger Andersen Memorial League champion! How does it feel to be the best?
- Well, I don´t know if I am the best player in Stockholm. Maybe among the ten or fifteen best, sometimes.
Why did you win the league this time?
- The others were busy with overextending, or play too many Organized Resistance. I also ate a lot of falukorv with stuvade makaroner, that helps a lot.
Anyone in particular you would like to thank?
- Yes, Rodinei Teixeira de Camargo. I have played a Gangrel G6 toolbox based on his tournament winning deck from the German National championship 2023. It is very stable and versatile. But with so many Thing I decided play two Keegan, even though you then risk not having a Baron when you need it. I think I have won 3 of 6 games with it, and that is ok stats for a VTES deck.
Two league game were played in the tenth and last round of our ten week league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.
Table 1:
1. Henrik (Malkavian/Nosferatu G1-2 stealth-bleed) 1 vp
2. Kari (Lasombra anarch bruise-bleed) 1 vp
3. Ivan (Ministry G6 anarch vote)
4. Erik (Ravnos G7 anarch stealth-bleed) 2 vp, 1 gw
5. Jacob (Ventrue midcap G3-4 with Obfuscate vote) 1 vp
Table 2:
1. Kari (Guilliaume Giovanni with Shambling Hordes)
2. Kristofer (Lasombra with Presence G2-3 vote) 3 vp, 1 gw
3. Henrik (Malkavian/Nosferatu G1-2 stealth-bleed) 2 vp
4. Robert (Ministry G6 anarch vote)
5. Ivan (Tzimisce G7 anarch wall)
League standings:
Henrik 82 rtp
Robert 64 rtp
Ober 56 rtp
Kari 54 rtp
Ivan 44 rtp
Ståhle 36 rtp
Nina 34 rtp
Randy 28 rtp
Jacob 22 rtp
Erik, Kalle, Kristofer, Patrik 20 rtp
Magnus E 8 rtp
Jonas, Robin 4 rtp
Mathias 2 rtp
1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.
The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!