torsdag 27 februari 2025

The Stockholm League - February 26, 2025

Two league games were played in the sixth round of our current ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:

1. Henrik (!Tremere Nephandi) 3 vp, 1 gw

2. Robin V (Ravnos G7 toolbox)

3. Michael (Giovanni Khazars Diary)

4. Nina (Animalism Barons G6)

5. Robert (Banu Haqim G6 toolbox) 2 vp

Table 2:

1. Jacob (Dom/Ani/Pot Julio Martinez rush/bleed)

2. Marcus (Ministry G6 vote/bleed) 1 vp

3. Robert (!Salubri wall)

4. Nina (Gangrel Valkyrie bleed)

5. Michael (Malkavian Lutz vote) 4 vp, 1 gw

League standings:

Kari, Robert 32 rtp

Henrik 30 rtp

Han, Randal 26 rtp

Ivan, Michael 24 rtp

Manuel 20 rtp

Jacob 10 rtp

Nina 6 rtp

Marcus, Robin V 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

onsdag 26 februari 2025

The Stockholm League - February 19, 2025

The Capuchin, a man of many talents!

Two league games were played in the fifth round of our current ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:

1. Jacob (Brujah G3-4 toolbox) 1.5 vp

2. Kari (Black Hand & Eurayle tap n bleed)

3. Henrik (Toreador G6-7 vote) 1.5 vp

4. Han (Ministry G6 stealth-bleed)

5. Nina (Potence rush w Beast, Theo & Glycon) 0.5 vp

Table 2:

1. Ivan (Lasombra G2-3 vote)

2. Randy (Tzimisce Sasha Vykos wall) 1,5 vp

3. Kari (RAvnos Ivan Kranshenko toolbox)

4. Han (Harbingers The Capuchin wall) 0,5 vp

5. Nina (Ministry G6 vote) 1,5 vp

League standings:

Kari 32 rtp

Han, Randal 26 rtp

Ivan, Robert 24 rtp

Manuel 20 rtp

Henrik, Jacob 10 rtp

Nina 6 rtp

Robin V 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

The Stockholm League - February 12, 2025

Only one league game were played in the fourth round of our current ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

1. Kari (Vetnrue Queen Anne G5-6) 1 vp

2. Helena (Ravnos stealth-bleed)

3. Han (Ministry stealth-bleed) 3 vp, 1 gw

4. Randy (Tzimisce Sacha Vykos wall) 

League standings:

Kari 32 rtp

Han, Ivan, Robert 24 rtp

Manuel, Randal 20 rtp

Henrik, Jacob, Robin V 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

The Stockholm League - February 5, 2025

Only one league game were played in the third round of our current ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

1. Han (Ministry G6 stealth-bleed)

2. Ober (Harbinger The Capuchin chainsaw rush)

3. Robert (Weenie Presence powerbleed) 1 vp 

4. Kari (Ravnos stealth-bleed)

5. Ivan (Banu Haqim bigcaps w Protean Thumicia stealh-bleed) 4 vp, 1 gw

League standings:

Kari 28 rtp

Ivan, Robert 24 rtp

Manuel, Randal 20 rtp

Han, Henrik, Jacob, Robin V 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

The Stockholm League - January 29, 2025

Three league game were played in the second round of our current ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:
Failed to report?

Table 2:
1. Randy (Tzimisce Sasha Vykos wall) 3 vp, 1 gw
2. Henrik (Toreador G6-7 vote)
3. Kari (Baali The Unamed Rise of the Fallen) 1 vp
4. Peter (Lasombra G2-3 bigcaps stealth-vote/bleed)

Table 3:
1. Han (Nosferatu Petrodon stealth-bleed)
2. Robin V (Brujah G6 Barons rush) 1 vp
3. Jacob (Ventrue G3-4 anarch vote)
4. Robert (Lasombra Lord Leopold toolbox) 3 vp, 1 gw
5. Henrik (Toreador G6-7 vote) 1 vp

League standings:
Kari 28 rtp
Manuel, Randal, Robert 20 rtp
Han, Henrik, Jacob, Robin V 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

tisdag 25 februari 2025

The Stockholm League - January 22, 2025

Two league games were played in the first round of our new ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:

1. Manuel (Brujah Theo Bell rush) 3 vp, 1 gw

2. Henrik (Lasombra G6 toolbox)

3. Jacob (Brujah G4-5 royalty toolbox) 1 vp

4. Han (Ministry G6 stealth-bleed) 1 vp

5. Robert (AUS+FOR bigcap Saulot, Baba wall)

Table 2:

1. Kari (Ishtarri bleed/vote) 4 vp, 1 gw

2. Ober (Harbingers The Capuchin chainsaw multi-rush)

3. Robert (Toreador Grand Ball multi-act vote)

4. Randy (Gangrel G6 toolbox)

League standings:

Kari 24 rtp

Manuel 20 rtp

Han, Jacob 4 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

måndag 24 februari 2025

VTES tournament in Stockholm in March!


Tournament: Stockholm, Sweden - March 22 2025


Venue: Alphabar, Örnsberg, Stockholm, Sweden


VEKN calendar:

Standard constructed tournament - Proxy cards are allowed

Rounds: 3 + Final

Time Limit: 2 h

Fee: 100 SEK
