onsdag 5 december 2012

Report: Thoughts Betrayed, December 2012

Thoughts Betrayed Stockholm 2012
Stockholm, Sweden
December 1st 2012
2R + F
19 players
Winner: Jonas Ståhle

Oboy, this might be the most aggressive tournament ever in Stockholm. Certainly the final table was the most aggressive in a long time - four dom-bleed decks and a Reckless Agitation-voter (see below).

Round 1:
Table 1:
Seat 1: Jonas H (Dom-weenies) (2 vp)
Seat 2: Ober (!Toreador w Undue Influence)
Seat 3: Kristofer (Guillame Giovanni rush)
Seat 4: Alexander (!Ventrue stickmen)
Seat 5: Jens (Ventrue lawfirm) (3 vp, 1 gw)

Table 2:
Seat 1: Randy (!Ventrue stickmen) (4 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 2: Johnny (Daughters w Choir)
Seat 3: Adam (Aus-cel-weenies w guns)
Seat 4: Gustav (Bigcap Malkavian sb) (1 vp)
Seat 5: Peter (Big cap Tremere w cel wall)

Table 3:
Seat 1: Jonas S (Giovanni powerbleed w Tangle´s ) (4 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 2: Jonathan (Derange)
Seat 3: Pio (Kiasyd sb w Nocturns) (1 vp)
Seat 4: Erik (!Tremere toolbox)
Seat 5: Ivan (Guhuri rush w tablets)

Table 4:
Seat 1: Tomas (Setites w Temptation)
Seat 2: Masso (Baali vote) (3 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 3: Robert (Dom-weenies w guns)
Seat 4: Henrik (Kiasyd toolbox w Earth Swords) (1 vp)


Round 2:

Table 1:
Seat 1: Pio (Kiasyd sb w Nocturns)
Seat 2: Jonas H (4 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 3: Kristofer (Guillame Giovanni rush)
Seat 4: Peter (Big cap Tremere w cel wall)
Seat 5: Masso (Baali vote) (1 vp)

Table 2:
Seat 1: Henrik (Kiasyd toolbox w Earth Swords) (1 vp)
Seat 2: Ivan (Guhuri rush w tablets)
Seat 3: Ober (!Toreador w Undue Influence) (2 vp)
Seat 4: Adam (Aus-cel-weenies w guns) (2 vp)
Seat 5: Randy (!Ventrue stickmen)

Table 3:
Seat 1: Gustav (Bigcap Malkavian sb) (1 vp)
Seat 2: Jens (Ventrue lawfirm)
Seat 3: Jonathan (Derange)
Seat 4: Robert (Dom-weenies w guns) (4 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 5: Tomas (Setites w Temptation)

Table 4:
Seat 1: Alexander (!Ventrue stickmen)
Seat 2: Jonas S (Giovanni powerbleed w Tangle´s) (3 vp, 1 gw)
Seat 3: Erik (!Tremere toolbox)
Seat 4: Johnny (Daughters w Choir) (1 vp)


1. Jonas S (7 vp, 2 gw)
2. Jonas H (6 vp, 1 gw)
3. Masso (4 vp, 1 gw)
4. Robert (4 vp, 1 gw)
5. Randy (4 vp, 1 gw)

Final table:
1. Robert D playing dom-weenies w guns (2 vp)
2. Jonas S playing Giovanni powerbleed w Tangle´s (2 vp, tournament victory)
3. Masso playing Baali vote
4. Randy playing !Ventrue stickmen (1 vp)
5. Jonas H playing dom-weenies

Jonas S made a nice statement when he was choosing seating as first seed: “Det finns ju några ställen där man absolute inte vill sitta. Men sen vill man ju inte sitta nån annanstans heller.” (”There are some places where I absolutely don´t want  to sit. But on the other hand I don’t want to sit anywhere else either.”) Then he won by picking a two-two split. Congrats!

Tournament winning deck:

Deck Name : Tangled Powerbleed
Author : Jonas Ståhle

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 7 average: 5.08333
2x Gillespi Giovanni 7 DOM NEC POT aus Giovanni:2
2x Stefano Giovanni 6 DOM nec pot pre Giovanni:2
2x Isabel Giovanni 5 DOM NEC pot Giovanni:2
2x Gloria Giovanni 4 DOM nec Giovanni:2
1x Andrea Giovanni 7 DOM NEC pot vic Giovanni:2
1x Le Dinh Tho 5 NEC aus dom Nagaraja:2
1x Lia Milliner 3 dom nec Giovanni:3
1x Marciana Giovanni, 2 dom Giovanni:2

Library [68 cards]
Action [16]
14x Govern the Unaligned
2x Sudario Refraction

Action Modifier [28]
5x Bonding
5x Call of the Hungry Dead
5x Conditioning
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
7x Seduction
1x Sleeping Mind, The
3x Tangle Atropos' Hand

Action Modifier/Reaction [1]
1x Murmur of the False Will

Ally [1]
1x Tye Cooper

Master [10]
2x Acquired Ventrue Assets
1x Anarch Troublemaker
2x Life in the City
2x Misdirection
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Prophecies of Gehenna
1x Wider View

Reaction [12]
4x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
4x On the Qui Vive
2x Redirection
1x Wake with Evening's Freshness

Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Sat Dec 01 23:16:19 2012]

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