måndag 12 augusti 2013

The Stockholm League - August 7 2013

"The Thumb" aka "The Knee" aka "Mister Potatohead"
aka Ambrosio helped Kristofer secure table 2.

Four tables were played in the third round of ten in our July–September league.
Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:
1. Henrik (G4-5 Ventrue princes with sticks)
2. Jens (!Toreador breed wall) 3 vp
3. Jonas H (Gangrel Torvus & Aksinya wall)
4. Ober (Kiasyd sb) 2 vp
5. Kim (G1-2 Toreador vote with Aching Beauty)

Table 2:
1. Kristofer (Bigcap Lasombra vote with pre) 4 vp, 1 gw
2. Kim (Obf-aus mill with Egotha & Christanius Lionel)
3. Robert (Cel-rush with sticks)
4. Tomas (G4-5 pre-princes with Parity Shift) 1 vp
5. Jonas H (!Toreador breed-boon)

Table 3:
1. Erik M (Anarch-cel rush with guns) 0,5 vp
2. Kim (G2-3 Nosferatu vote) 1,5 vp
3. Jens (Giovanni Shambling hordes with Dragon Breath Rounds) 1 vp
4. Henrik (G4-5 Ventrue princes with sticks)
5. Robert (Anarch-Gangrel vote) 0,5 vp

Table 4:
1. Masso (Shalmath rush) 0,5 vp
2. Tomas (Hermanas vote) 1,5 vp
3. Kristofer (Anarch-Assamites tap’n’ bleed)
4. Jonas H (Gangrel Torvus & Aksinya wall) 0,5 vp

League standings:

Jens 52 rtp
Ober 44 rtp
Kim 30 rtp
David, Kristofer 28 rtp
Jonas H 26 rtp
Henrik 24 rtp
Masso 22 rtp
Caroline 20 rtp
Tomas 14 rtp
Erik M 10 rtp

Robert D 6 rtp
Johnny, Jonas S, Peter W, Rasmus 4 rtp
(1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game starts after 20.00.)

The next round of the league is played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 next Wednesday about 1800-ish. Be there!

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