onsdag 22 november 2023

The Stockholm League - November 8, 2023

Four league games were played in the fourth round of our ten week league.

Standard tournament rules apply + printed proxy is allowed.

Table 1:

1. Peter (Brujah vote) 0,5 vp

2. Robert (Baali The Unnamed sb) 0,5 vp

3. Kari (Ravnos Durga Syn toolbox) 0,5 vp

4. Kristofer (Brujah anarchs ?) 0,5 vp

5. Janne (Nosferatu Primogen?) 0,5 vp

Table 2:

1. Janne (Harbingers & Matthias Spirit Marionette) 2 vp

2. Michael H (Guhuri Cesewayo wall) 2 vp

3. Ivan (Banu Haqim weenie rush)

4. Robert (Lasombra combat?)

Table 3:

1. Janne (Harbingers & Matthias Spirit Marionette)

2. Henrik K (Gangrel bigcap rush) 1 vp

3. Kristofer (Harbingers Erlik guns wall)

4. Kari (Nosferatu Petrodon Ritual Goblet toolbox) 2 vp

5. Peter (Lasombra bigcaps sb) 2 vp

League standings:

Kari 56 rtp

Robert 32 rtp

Henrik I, Jens 24 rtp

Randy 20 rtp

Ståhle 18 rtp

Patrik 16 rtp

Janne 14 rtp

Jacob, Janne, Marcus B 10 rtp

Henrik K, Jonas, Michael, Peter 8 rtp

Robin 6 rtp

Patrik 2 rtp

1 gw = 8 ratingpoints, 1 vp = 4 ratingpoints. Note: Players can play more than one game each round if their participation are needed to complete a table where at least one player has not yet played a league game this round, but only the best result each round counts for rating. If more players than 5 want to play such a table, lowest vp-count this round has priority. No league game begin before 17.00 or starts after 20.00.

The next league games are played at Dragon´s Lair, Kungsholmstorg 8 on Wednesday about 1730-ish. Everyone is welcome! Be there!

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