lördag 5 maj 2012

Good decks gone bad

Looking back at my old deck archive I sometime ask myself what the hell I was thinking when composed some of the decks I find. Same thing goes for when I look at my first tournament winning deck, how did I win with this?!? (http://www.thelasombra.com/decks/twd.htm#2k8domcstockholm)

Naturally decks become worse when there are new better cards printed. Cards such as Villein, Deep Song, Abbot, and Ashur Tablets. I do sometimes construct old school decks using old school cards… No I don’t, perhaps I build them in my ARDB then I look at the deck and tell myself that this is inferior to another deck and then I leave them in the archive.

Although the other day I did not, I braved the Stockholm meta by constructing an old school Assamite breed boon deck using Alamut. I did use new cards such as Black Throne but did not to use Amaravati… I got zero VPs but had a little fun.

Then there is how the local meta can screw your, otherwise awesome, deck. This used to be such a powerful deck and now I only loose and loose, how, what, when, why? Well the meta just evolved past your old deck and it no longer is good. Sure it still might be good somewhere but not where you are. For example, decks that are good but don’t do well in the Stockholm meta right now are Stickmen or weenie PRE because there are just to much wakes paired deflections or telepathic misdirections.

But something that is very fun is that the Stockholm meta changes at a very high rate, I would say that it is becoming very more vote oriented. Think I will have to pack more Delaying Tactics or perhaps build a deck with Yawp Court :-D.


2 kommentarer:

  1. What?! You used to kick everyones ass with that Malk-voter, and now you tell me it´s bad? I feel kicked when I´m lying down here :)

  2. You could also try passive vote defense. Just sit there with votes and let them cut you a deal, no special effort required. Eurobrujah could do this pretty well. I also made a Vignes-like deck featuring group 4-5 DOM for vampires with a lot of titles. I helped control the votes at the table until I was ready to oust, then I got vote lock after taking out 1-2 players.
