söndag 6 maj 2012

Know your crypt: Huitzilopoctli

Clan: Baali
Generation: 4th
Embrace: 4500 BC
Sire: “Ashur” (suspected to really be Saulot)
Haven: A sleepy little town outside Mexico City, Mexico
Childer: Hay-Tau, Camazotz (aka “Nezahualcoyotl”;‘Coyote who fasts’), Cybele (“progeny of one of the Shaitan”), Azaneal, as well as several decoy childer.

• Shaitan was born as a slave and later Embraced in what is now referred to as the Second City. “Beautiful beyond comparison, his beauty alone elevated him in rank as a flavored servant of Ashur.” Eventually he travelled east, through Mesopotamia, met “Children of Lillith” [sic!] and learned philosophies and powers which he then taught to the other vampires in the Second City, all except the Gangrel antediluvian, who informed Ashur about Shaitans contacts with Lillith. Such contacts were forbidden, and Ashur banished Shaitan and all his followers from the Second City.Shaitan again travelled east. Now he met Baal, a demon who offered him great power and revenge on the other cainites. Shaitan took the deal.

• Shaitans original name might have been Adriel.

• Various sources state various founders of the Baali, among them Shaitan, Nergal, Moloch and “The Unnamed”. Some sources also talk about a group of vampires called “the Shaitan”.

• Since 1200 BC, Shaitan has ruled the area that is Mexico today, either in person or by proxy. During the time of the Aztec Empire he was known as Huitzilopoctli, god of fire and war – the name means ’Hummingbird on the Left’ or ‘Left-Handed Hummingbird’.

• The Sabbat Regent Melinda Galbraith is bound by blood to Shaitan. “I see them. Beyond the walls of my Haven they squabble. Little children playing foolish games. So easily they dance, puppets all …”

• “You do not talk to fools. Anyone who does not succumb to your power is not worth acknowledging, unless he has True Faith. Ignore the weak; destroy the strong.”

• “Anyone attempting to go toe to toe with Shaitan will be smashed to pulp.”

Statistics: (Note: 9 is maximum for a 4th generation vampire)
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 8, Sta 9, Cha 8, Man 9, App 0, Per 6, Int 6, Wit 7
Disciplines: Animalism 6, Auspex 9, Celerity 6, Chimestry 6, Daimoinon 9, Dark Thaumaturgy 7, Dementation 8, Dominate 9, Fortitude 7, Obtenebration 4, Presence 9, Protean 7, Potence 9, Thaumaturgy 4, Visceratika 3
Backgrounds: Alternate Identity, Allies 9, Contacts 9, Herd 9, Influence 9, Resources 4, Retainers 9, Status 9
Path of Enlightment: Path of Evil Revelations 10
Derangements: Obsession (“Shaitan feel he must corrupt all of humanity to please Baal. Naturally, he is right.”)

“The Chaos Factor” (WW 4101)
“Encyclopaedia Vampyrica” (WW 2440)
“Clanbook: Baali” (WW 2817)
“Dark Ages Companion” (WW 2804)

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