This week we had the usual beer and talk after the weekly games. While I don't post every discussion I'll try to bring you all the highlights of the weekly banter.
This week we've had some discussion on inspiration for deckbuilding. Everyone is looking for a new deck at the moment, the talks so far have ranged from Thomas (weird concepts), Jens (permanents for endgame), Kristofer (something with Anarchs and Assamites) and Randy (something aggressive).
While the deck ideas pitched have been interesting the ones I would pick up would probably just be the ones that fall into my taste, so instead I've decided to ask why everyone wants new decks at this particular moment.
I believe it's the will to surprise the meta with something new. Stockholm has seen some stagnation in the meta in it's current form, going for more and more accelerated and aggresive decks streamlined to one concept, hard counters for hard counters to use RTS terms. The interesting thing though is the tournament held on the 8th of august which really shifted the thinking of the current meta (thank you Donk!) this idea of an aggressive deck with massive cryptacceleration denial has been in the works for a while, although the idea has never been denial of cryptacceleration just the denial of masters in general. While the difference of this isn't great it is a vast difference in the thinking and strategy when designing and playing these decks. This has made our current playgroup ripe for change, seeing a new meta shift I believe is making the creative deckbuilding juices flow in our pond.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this will lead us, a change is coming and I hope it brings new things =D.
What does aggressive crypt acceleration denial means? The pictured Wash & Bleeding the Vine? Or cards like Brainwash & Cairo International Airport as well?
SvaraRaderaAt the moment it's either Sudden Denial/Wash and Bleeding the vine, but there has been talk of adding Cairo International Airport and House of Sorrows for Bleeding the Vine. Brainwash could also be a nice addition.
RaderaThe main change has been in how the wash/sudden package has been added into decks, it started as a general counter to master-heavy decks, now it's seen as a counter to crypt acceleration decks.