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Foreshadowing Destruction Stockholm 2013
Stockholm Sweden
16 February 2013
2 rounds + final
13 players
Winner: Jonas H
Round 1:
Table 1:
1. Isak (Arika & Marcus vote and rape) 1 vp
2. Randy (Bigcap Kindred Spirits-sb)
3. Ida (Kiasyd sb w tablets) 4 vp, 1 gw
4. Peter (Dom-weenie w Brainwash)
5. Daniel (Dom/pot bruise-bleed feat Gustaphe Brunnelle)
Table 2:
1. Jonas S (Vignes powerbleed w Agent of Power)
2. Anders (Infernal Anson) 3 vp, 1 gw
3. David (Kiasyd sb w tablets) 1 vp
4. Johnny (Daughters w Choir)
Table 3:
1. Masso (Baali vote) 1 vp
2. Kalle (Guillaume sb w Nocturns)
3. Henrik (Tremere bruise-bleed)
4. Jonas H (!Ventrue stickmen) 3 vp, 1 gw
Round 2:
Table 1:
1. Jonas H (!Ventrue stickmen)
2. Johnny (Daughters w Choir)
3. Anders (Infernal Anson) 3 vp, 1 gw
4. Henrik (Tremere bruise-bleed)
5. Jonas S (Vignes powerbleed w Agent of Power) 2 vp
Table 2:
1. Daniel (Dom/pot bruise-bleed feat Gustaphe Brunnelle)
2. David (Kiasyd sb w tablets)
3. Randy (Bigcap Kindred Spirits-sb) 4 vp, 1 gw
4. Masso (Baali vote)
Table 3:
1. Peter (Dom-weenie w Brainwash)
2. Ida (Kiasyd sb w tablets) 3 vp, 1 gw
3. Kalle (Guillaume sb w Nocturns) (1 vp)
4. Isak (Arika & Marcus vote and rape)
1. Ida (2 gw, 7 vp)
2. Anders (2 gw, 6 vp)
3. Randy (1 gw, 4 vp)
4. Jonas H (1 gw, 3 vp)
5. Jonas S (0 gw, 2 vp)
Final table:
1. Randy playing bigcap Kindred Spirits-sb
2. Jonas S playing Vignes powerbleed w Agent of Power (1 vp)
3. Anders playing Infernal Anson
4. Jonas H playing !Ventrue stickmen (4 vp, tournament victory)
5. Ida playing Kiasyd sb w tablets
Tournament winning deck:
Deck Name: Ventrue Anti Grind
Author: Jonas H
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 8 average: 4.83333
2x Owain Evans, The W 8 AUS DOM FOR cel pre !Ventrue:3
2x Blackhorse Tanner 7 AUS DOM FOR !Ventrue:3
2x Neighbor John 5 AUS dom for !Ventrue:4
1x Jephta Hester 5 DOM FOR aus !Ventrue:4
1x Keith Moody 3 DOM !Tremere:4
1x Lana Butcher 3 dom for Ventrue:3
1x Ulrike Rothbart 3 dom for !Ventrue:4
1x Aimee Laroux 2 for pre Daughter :4
1x Sarah Raines 2 for Gangrel:3
Library [86 cards]
Action [8]
5x Govern the Unaligned
3x Scouting Mission
Action Modifier [16]
4x Bonding
3x Conditioning
1x Daring the Dawn
8x Freak Drive
Combat [23]
3x Aura Reading
4x Hidden Strength
3x Indomitability
1x Rolling with the Punches
1x Soak
3x Target Vitals
2x Taste of Vitae
6x Weighted Walking Stick
Equipment [4]
2x .44 Magnum
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Sport Bike
Master [10]
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Guardian Angel
1x Information Highway
1x Mob Connections
1x Rack, The
2x Villein
1x Wider View
Reaction [24]
4x Deflection
1x Eagle's Sight
1x Enhanced Senses
8x Eyes of Argus
2x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
1x Redirection
4x Telepathic Misdirection
Retainer [1]
1x Mr. Winthrop
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Mon Feb 25 19:49:09 2013]
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