söndag 4 november 2012

EC 2012 coverage: Sunday

3:54am – Marcus wrote:

A photo from the last grueling minutes of yesterdays finals. In the last 8 minutes of the game Hugh launched at Randy with his !Ventrues, Erol launched at Tomasz with Stanislava and her friends, and Tomasz launched at Tiago with his Toreadors - but it wasn't enough! No player was ousted and Randal managed to ride his top seed to victory!

9:38am – Stefan wrote:
I became Apache Jones yesterday. Sadly the raw material photo is stuck on my phone so you have to wait a while for the grand transformation.

Sunday at 3:46pm – Marcus wrote:
Hey everybody. Sorry there's been no coverage yet today. The sickess I've been having since I got here took a turn for the worse yesterday around the finals, and I've been quite a bad night. I'm not playing in any of the tournaments today, and I just found my way around the site to be able to report on what's happening.

What's up today:
EC Day 2 - five swedes are fighting for a place in the finals and a potential European Championship title. Good luck Randal, Isak, Adam, Tomas and Kristofer!

FCQ - The rest of the swedes (apart from me) are trying to to secure a spot for Day 1 for next years EC in Stockholm. Of course we're keeping our fingers crossed for all those brave souls competing to be qualified!

As I write this round 2 has been going for 45 minutes. I'll give you photos and information once I get it!

Sunday at 5:28pm – Marcus wrote:
Day 2 update: After round 2 Isak is on 1 gw 4 vp, Tomas has 2,5 vp, Kristofer 1 vp, Adam 2,5 vp and Randal 1 vp. The talk goes that mostly everybody are very cautious and that the games go long. Guesses are that there will only be one or two players with 2 game wins, and the rest of the finalists will have between 1 gw 8 vp and 1 gw 5 vp. Nothing's decided, but there's still a fighting chance for all the Swedes!

FCQ update: Oskar managed to win his first table with his Daughters Lily Prelude deck (he was damn proud about it when I spoke to him, and I think he earns it!). And Henrik won his game round 1, but apart from that I haven't heard about any swedish game wins in the FCQ.

Sunday at 6:52pm – Marcus wrote:

Major reason no other card game can compete with Vtes: There's no judge like our head judge!

Sunday at 7:20pm – Marcus wrote:
I made a quick count on the meta yesterday (EC Day 1) once I'd been ousted in round 2. I have rough notes on 110 decks out of the 149 compeditors.

Major things I noted are listed below:
* I had anticipated many !Ventrue Grinder / Stick Men, but did only see two in the whole hall.
* There were some ten Auspex weenies, some ousting with Anarch Revolts, some with War Ghouls.
* Dom bleed was way more prominent than Dem bleed (on a ratio 4:1, roughly)
* There were about ten Lawfirm of different kinds, quite a few more than I'd anticipated.
* I saw 3 Lutz decks. The two piloted by swedes went on to day 2.
* About ten breed decks, but no prominent clan alignment among them (Ravnos, Assamites, Giovanni were all equally represented)
* All weenie Animalism decks seemed to be lending support from Nana Buruku and Ashur Tablets.
* I could only see one Girls Will Find deck, way less than last year.
* I saw no Shamblers, anywhere!
* One Tryphosa deck. Made me happy. And it´s player pointedly told not to note it down as a Dem Bleed deck :]

And then there were a lot of other one-off decks. As I said, this is only a crude meta estimation. Extrala will probably produce statistics on it later.

Sunday at 8:01pm – Marcus wrote:

Isak 2nd seed i final !

Sunday at 11:38pm – Marcus wrote:

Sunday at 12:01am – Marcus wrote:

Three great swedes: Apache, Isak and Randy.


So, a more organized report on the finals:
Isak played Girls will Find and was hunting on Tiago who played Stick Men w Lodin. Tiago was hunting on Benoit who was playing a !Tor BreedBoon deck. Benoit hunted on David who played a Dogs of War Hektor deck. David, in turn, was hunting on Tomasz who played his Toreador CelGun Princes.

After roughly 1:20 Isak managed to oust Tiago, and with 40 seconds left Benoit managed to oust David. 1,5vp each Isak won on seed.

Isaks first comment after time called: "I need to tell my wife."

A BIG congratulations to the new European champion Isak Esbjörnsson Bjärmark !

Decklists can be found at the forums and the whole final can be watched on Youtube.

The FCQ was won by Tomek Kowalewski with what in Sweden is known as a “Goratrix bearded wall”.

October 30 - Tomas wrote:
So the european championship is over for 2012, I´ve had a great time, most people I´ve talked to about it seemed to be of the same opinion and it ended with a swedish champion. In other words: Everything is at it should be :D

I would liek to express my deep gratitude towards our hosts (if any of them are on ther group , if not you who know them please relay this since I´m sure I´m not the only one from the swedish camp who feel this way). All the other swedes (and players of other nationalities) who made this such a wonderful experience, but I would especially like to thank Marcus Berg for his excellent work on updating this Facebook page to update players who couldn´t attend, for friends and family on what was going on. Thank you Marcus, this is one account where I´m sure already that we will set a new benchmark on EC Stockholm 2013 for all other EC:s to come.

And lastly congratulations to our European champion Isak Esbjörnsson Bjärmark, I have a hard time imagining anyone who deserves the trophy more.

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